COVID-19 Response From Highland Ridge

COVID-19 Response From Highland Ridge

 As the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation takes shape, Highland Ridge is working to provide essential services to our clients while protecting the health of our homeowners, trade partners and employees. We are monitoring news, best practices, orders and regulations provided by the State of Oregon, local jurisdictions and the CDC.

Whether you have an existing project or are planning a remodel, we’re happy to help. We are meeting with new clients through Zoom Video Conferencing and scheduling in home appointments for June 2020. 

Safety and Cleanliness Protocols for Highland Ridge Work Sites

To: All Customers, Employees and Subcontractors 

COVID-19 Quick Links
How to protect yourself
Watch for symptoms
What to do If I am sick
How to clean & disinfect

Covid-19 Hand washing station

Hand washing stations will be positioned on job sites starting on 3/23/2020. Please utilize this station to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds each time, as follows:




  • When entering the job site
  • Every hour—set a reminder in your phone
  • Entering and leaving the restroom
  • Before and after eating
  • When leaving the job site

Hand sanitizer is available inside each porta-potty on-site—use liberally.

Social distancing: Please maintain a distance from other people of at least 6 feet. If this is not possible, wait until work areas have ample room to perform duties.

Cover coughs and sneezes! They are suspected as one of the highest means of spread. Please use your arm or shoulder to quickly cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. Wash hands immediately if you accidentally use your hand to cover. Throw away any used tissue in a trash bin immediately.

Handshakes (and other physical contact): We’re big on the shaking of hands as greeting. However, we will be adopting the “no-touch” approach to a greetings. We suggest you do the same.

Don’t touch your face. Seriously, as much as you possibly can, avoid scratching or rubbing that itch (this is a tough one!).

Don't come to work. If you feel sick or is someone at home is sick, please do not even think about coming to work. Report symptoms to our office and/or project manager. If you suspect any symptoms matching COVID-19, please see your physician immediately. Watch for fever, headache, and coughing. Please continually monitor your health to identify early signs as quickly as possible. 

Don't share tools! Please use only tools you have touched. If sharing is needed, clean the handles of tools with a sterilizing wipe before use. Gloves should be worn at all times while on site. The type of glove worn should be appropriate to the task. If gloves are not typically required for the task, then any type of glove is acceptable, including latex gloves.


We realize some of our clients are living in an active construction job site. You can also help protect our team as we help protect you. Please keep your own living space as clean and disinfected as possible, and follow the same guidelines prescribed above. Your health, safety, and overall comfort are our top priorities. We want to make sure your home is a safe environment for everyone.

Thank you in advance, everyone, for following this protocol. Together we can keep moving forward, be comfortable, be healthy, and help each other to make a good living. If there are any issues, questions, or illness suspicions, please don’t hesitate to call our office at (503)406-2900


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